Magic shop store in Alaska, Unalaska near me | big sale - cobra magic

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Fascinating Magicians in Unalaska, Alaska

Welcome to the awe-inspiring world of magic in Unalaska, Alaska. While this uniquely beautiful location is more commonly known for its breathtaking landscapes, wildlife and fishing industry, it also hosts some remarkably talented magicians who have stimulated the interest of many. Here we introduce you to some of the island's most talented individuals and their captivating performances.

John ‘The Illusionist’ McAlister

One might not expect to find a seasoned magician in the heart of Unalaska, but that is exactly where John McAlister, known professionally as ‘The Illusionist,’ has chosen to practice his unique combination of sleight of hand and psychological manipulation. With a performance career spanning over a decade, McAlister's captivating act leaves locals and visitors alike amazed and delighted. He is a member of the Unalaska Magic Circle, a local community of magicians that meet regularly to share tricks, critique performances and further develop their magical abilities.

Jane 'Queen of Cards' Thompson

Next on our list is Jane Thompson, renowned as the 'Queen of Cards'. Jane has developed an exceptional mastery of card tricks, which she deploys to the astonishment and delight of her audience. Having performed for numerous private parties and public gatherings in Unalaska, her card magic is celebrated across the island. She is a founding member of the Aleutians East Borough Conjurers, a society that engages magic enthusiasts to offer a space for performing, learning and teaching the art.

Tim 'The Enchanter' Nichols

Tim Nichols, better known as 'The Enchanter,' is popular for his appealing fusion of comedy and magic. His charismatic personality paired with his stunning magical feats have left audiences speechless numerous times. Apart from performing, he's also a part of the Aleutian Magic Alliance—an organization that promotes magic arts in the Aleutian region—where he shares his expertise and experience with upcoming acts.

These are just a handful of Unalaska's residents who, with their individual magical skills, contribute towards creating a unique, dynamic local magic community. These magicians are the torchbearers of magic in this remote corner of the world, ensuring that the beauty of this traditional art form continues to delight and astound audiences of all ages.

Despite being a small community, the magic scene in Unalaska exhibits a charming dedication to the craft that serves as an example of how shared passions can create vibrant and enthusiastic communities—no matter how remote or small. Join the excitement and witness the magical spectacle Unalaska has to offer!

Mystifying Magic Society in Unalaska, Alaska

Welcome to an enchanted journey as we pull back the curtain on Unalaska's Magic Society tucked away in the frosty tundra of Alaska. This thrilling society is a mesh of spellbinders deeply dedicated to the mystical and fascinating world of magic.

Number of Members

The Magic Society of Unalaska boasts of an impressive count of approximately 50 members. This count fluctuates as new members join the enthralling world of magic, while some seasoned members may retire or transition to guest roles. It's a thriving community where every individual is enriched with a passion for the arcane arts and illusionary techniques.

Field of Activity

Engaging in a multitude of activities, the Magic Society focuses heavily on the study and preservation of the magical arts. The range of activities is fascinating, with areas such as illusionism, mentalism, card magic, stage magic, and even paranormal investigations. The society also emphasizes on nurturing young talents by providing magic lessons and workshops, empowering them with tools to mesmerize and captivate audiences.

Location Details

The society occupies a quaint and appropriately mysterious building located on the ridge of Mount Ballyhoo, Unalaska. The rustic charm of the architecture, combined with the stunning panorama of surrounding wilderness, contributes to the magical ambiance of the society's headquarters.

Magic Conferences

An integral part of the society's annual calendar is the bewitching conferences. These are held twice a year, each stretching to enchanting three-day weekends filled with presentations, exhibitions, competitions, and a chance to interact with fellow magic enthusiasts. Conferences are meticulously planned and conducted in the society's premises, combining an academic-like congregation with a celebration of the magical arts.

In conclusion, for those charmed by the world of illusions and enchantments, Unalaska's Magic Society presents a captivating alliance of magic enthusiasts. Spending a day in this mesmerizing society leaves one spellbound and offers an intriguing insight into the delightfully convoluted world of magic.

Discover the Enchantment of Magic Shops in Unalaska, Alaska

Unalaska, a remote island in the Aleutian chain of Alaska, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. But did you know that this unique location also holds hidden gems for enthusiasts of the mystical and the magical? While the existence of magic shops in Unalaska might surprise some, these establishments offer a glimpse into the mystical allure that the island has to offer. Here, we delve into the enchanting world of Unalaska's magic shops, providing insights into what makes each of them special.

Mystic Aleutians Emporium

The Mystic Aleutians Emporium is a charming spot nestled in the heart of Unalaska. This shop is a treasure trove of mystical artifacts, ranging from rare crystals found in the local terrain to handmade talismans infused with the ancient Aleutian traditions. Visitors often praise the Emporium for its warm, inviting atmosphere and the knowledgeable staff who are always ready to share the lore behind each piece.

Aurora's Arcana

A step into Aurora's Arcana transports you into a world where the magical and the celestial intertwine. Specializing in astrological readings and aurora-inspired magic, this shop offers personalized consultations that seek to connect individuals with the cosmic energies of the far north. Aside from its services, Aurora's Arcana boasts a collection of astrological charts, moon phase calendars, and aurora-charged gemstones that are as captivating as the night sky itself.

Elemental Enigmas

For those drawn to the elemental aspects of magic, Elemental Enigmas is a must-visit. This shop focuses on harnessing the powers of earth, air, fire, and water, reflecting the diverse natural elements that dominate the Unalaskan landscape. From weather-witching wands to volcanic ash incense, the items on offer at Elemental Enigmas provide a unique way to connect with the elemental forces at play in this rugged island environment.


Unalaska's magic shops are more than just retail spaces; they are gateways to exploring the mystical heritage and natural wonders of the island. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner of the magical arts or simply a curious visitor, these shops offer an intriguing glimpse into the world of magic, imbued with the distinctive spirit of Unalaska. Each establishment, with its unique focus and offerings, contributes to the enchanting mystique that makes Unalaska a truly magical destination.

This content written: 03/01/2024, 10:42 AM

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