Mentalism Chair as Mentalism illusion tool

The Voodoo Doll Routine

The magician unveils a unique voodoo doll, holding it for the audience to see. This isn't just any doll, the magician explains—it shares a mystic connection with a chosen spectator. This spectator is seated comfortably on the Mentalism Chair, blindfolded, making them oblivious to their surroundings. Their only connection to reality is the magician's voice and the sensations from the chair.

  1. Head Movement: As the magician describes turning the voodoo doll's head to the right, the blindfolded spectator turns their head in the same direction. The audience watches in amazement as the doll's head then moves to the left, and the spectator's head follows suit.
  1. Arm Levitation: The magician speaks of raising the voodoo doll's right arm. Miraculously, the spectator's right arm lifts as described, seemingly floating in the air. The same happens with the left arm, creating a mirror image of the doll's movements.
  2. Leg Mirroring: As the magician manipulates the legs of the voodoo doll, the audience witnesses the blindfolded spectator's corresponding legs moving in synchrony, as if feeling a ghostly touch.
  1. The Grand Finale: Building suspense, the magician reveals a sharp pin. With a theatrical gesture, the magician announces they are pushing the pin into the voodoo doll's rear end. To the astonishment of the audience, the blindfolded spectator jolts, experiencing an electric shock from the Mentalism Chair.

    This masterful routine, blending ancient voodoo tales with cutting-edge technology, leaves the audience spellbound, questioning the boundaries between magic, technology, and reality.


    The Twin Sensation Routine with the Mentalism Chair

    Scene Setting:

    The magician invites two volunteers onto the stage, preferably a man and a woman. The man is seated on the Mentalism Chair, while the woman sits on a regular, non-gimmicked chair.


    The magician begins by referencing famous illusions where magicians cut assistants in half. "Today, instead of dividing, we'll be connecting," the magician promises, hinting at combining the minds of the two volunteers. To ensure no visual cues or distractions, both volunteers are blindfolded.

    Preliminary Check:

    To establish a clear system, the magician dictates: if either volunteer feels a touch on their left, they raise their left hand, and vice versa for the right. This protocol is demonstrated and ensured.

    Act Part 1 - Physical Sensations:

    With a gesture and magical declaration, the magician claims to have linked the minds of the man and the woman. The magician then touches the woman on various parts of her body: side, knee, nose, head, and back. Miraculously, as the magician touches the woman, both volunteers raise their hands in tandem, echoing the exact side being touched.

    Act Part 2 - Mental Connection Without Physical Touch:

    Intensifying the act, the magician declares that their connection is no longer just physical but also deeply mental. They ask the woman to think of a number between one and five and silently indicate it using her fingers. Without any physical touch or indication, the man, when prompted, mirrors the same number with his fingers. The magician then turns to the man and questions, "Did I touch you?" The man responds, "No." "But you felt something, didn't you?" The magician probes further. "Yes," replies the man, confounded. This uncanny phenomenon is repeated for emphasis.

    Act Part 3 - The Shocking Finale:

    Announcing an even more profound connection, the magician claims that any sensation the woman feels will now be directly felt by the man, regardless of location. Guiding the illusion using the magician's choice method, they steer towards the woman's seat area. As the magician counts to ten, on the count of five, he then pokes the woman with a sharp object. Simultaneously, the man jumps from his seat, having felt a jolt from the Mentalism Chair's electric shock.

    The act concludes with the magician gracefully disconnecting their intertwined senses and showering praise on the brave volunteers. This performance, filled with suspense, surprise, and mystery, ensures an indelible mark on the audience's memory.


    Invisible Bells: The Symphony of Synchronized Minds


    The magician introduces the act by explaining that today’s performance revolves around the power of mental connection and invisible forces. Two participants are invited to the stage: one takes a seat on the Mentalism Chair, and the other sits on a regular chair. In the hands of the participant on the regular chair, the magician places two invisible bells, one on each side. The participant on the Mentalism Chair has two real bells, also one on each hand.

    Act Part 1 - Establishing the Connection:

    The magician explains that through the course of the act, both participants will become connected. The audience is informed that when the participant with the invisible bells chooses to ring either the right or left bell, the participant with the real bells will ring the corresponding real bell.

    Act Part 2 - The Invisible Connection:

    The routine begins. The participant with the invisible bells decides to ring the right bell. Without any visible cue, almost as if by magic, the participant on the Mentalism Chair, intuitively rings the right bell. The audience is amazed. This is repeated with the left bell, and once again, the participant on the Mentalism Chair mirrors the actions perfectly.

    Act Part 3 - Challenging the Connection:

    The magician then decides to make things even more interesting. The participant with the invisible bells is instructed to ring both bells simultaneously. Remarkably, the participant on the Mentalism Chair, despite being unable to see or hear the other participant’s actions, rings both bells at the same time.

    Act Part 4 - Reversing the Connection:

    The magician then reveals a twist: they propose reversing the connection. Now, when the participant on the Mentalism Chair decides to ring a bell, the participant with the invisible bells will feel the urge to move their hand as if ringing the corresponding bell. This is demonstrated to the audience’s astonishment, further deepening the mystery.


    The act concludes with the magician breaking the connection and thanking the participants. The audience is left in awe, their minds racing with questions about the invisible forces at play and the remarkable connection demonstrated on stage.


    Time Travel Routine

    Imagine the ability to journey back in time by just a mere five minutes. This spellbinding act begins with a single audience member, our designated "time traveler", taking a seat on a special mentalism chair.

    As soft music plays, the magician asks the participant to respond whenever they feel a touch. The magician proceeds to touch various parts of the spectator's body – the arm, chest, nose, ear, leg, and more. Each time, the spectator confirms with a resounding "Yes, I feel it."

    However, once the magical incantations and music reach a climax, the narrative takes an unexpected turn. The magician asks the participant if they remember the touches, and to the audience's astonishment, the answer is "No." Every memory of the touch sequences has seemingly vanished from the participant's mind.

    The climax arrives when the magician challenges the participant's memory even further, asking, "Do you remember your own name?" The participant hesitates, causing a mixture of amazement and bewilderment among the audience.

    As the music intensifies, the magician expresses gratitude to the participant, who is left pondering the mysteries of time. Thunderous applause follows, leaving everyone in awe of the magical experience they've just witnessed.

    This "Time Travel" routine offers a mesmerizing blend of mentalism and drama, showing the power of the magician not just over objects, but over memories and time itself.


    Memory blocking routine

    Envision this scene: A deeply connected pair steps onto the stage, evoking the essence of a bond as profound as that between a married couple or perhaps a mother and daughter.

    The female participant, usually more expressive of the two, takes her seat. As she's blindfolded, her world turns dark, heightening her other senses. With her agreement, the magician embarks on the intriguing art of "memory blocking". It all starts with a simple query: "Do you remember your name?" Paired with a mesmerizing chant, her memories start to blur.

    Despite her husband standing close by, her recollection of him fades away when probed by the magician. "Can you recall who's beside you?" The magician questions. She responds with a bewildered "No". The depth of her memory loss is revealed further when she can't remember their twenty-year-long marriage, his name, Daniel, or even her own home.

    The climax of the performance involves a piece of paper. But the words, clear to the audience, seem alien to her. It's as if the language has been erased from her memory.

    A resonating clap from the magician marks a transition, though her memories are still not entirely intact. As the act concludes, magical phrases restore her mind to its former clarity. The audience is left in wonder, pondering the might of the "Memory Block" illusion.

    Memory Block Routine:

    1. A woman and a man (who know each other) are chosen.
    2. The magician blindfolds the woman and says some magic words to her.
    3. The magician asks the woman if she remembers her name. She does.
    4. When asked about the man (e.g., her husband named Daniel), she doesn't remember him or their relationship.
    5. The woman also can't remember other personal details.
    6. She's given a paper to read from, but she can't read it.
    7. At the end, the magician claps, and everything returns to normal. The woman can remember again.

    Both routines show the magician's power over memory and time.